aTrailblazerand west coast “hidden figure”in the aerospace industry
Jovita began her professional career as a pioneering woman in aerospace when the industry was in its infancy and there were very few women in the engineering ranks. Companies included: Rockwell, The Aerospace Corp, and TRW. She rose through the ranks from technical individual contributor (systems engineer) to manager (project team leader, project manager, front-line manager, department manager, proposal manager, program manager, and division manager). Major programs supported include the B-1 Bomber, Space Shuttle, Space Station, Minuteman and Peacekeeper missile programs, Hubble Space Telescope, numerous satellite programs, and NASA and Air Force program acquisition.
authorJovita Is A SuccessfulExecutive Leadership Coach, Educator and AuthorShe is a trail-blazing pioneer
Jovita is a successful strategist, executive/leadership coach, educator, and author. She is a trail-blazing pioneer and west-coast hidden figure who continuously expands her horizons.
Jovita is passionate about the professional advancement of women in the workplace. Jovita’s experience includes 20+ years in aerospace, starting as an engineer and culminating as a director, followed by 10+ years as an executive coach. She leverages wisdom gained from her personal experience and that of several hundred coaching clients in their quest for greater influence, respect, advancement, and reward.